
0# The Podcast

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El Camino People- The Podcast
El Camino People- The Podcast
0# The Podcast


We are happy to finally present El Camino PeopleThe Podcast to all of you.

El Camino People – The Podcast is a show that will be aired every other week on Tuesdays at 19:00 UTC+1. In todays episode I introduce myself and my conection with El Camino de Santiago . How and why El Camino People was born .

You can listen to our podcast through the main platforms:

I would love to invite any of you that would be interested in beeing interviewed for the podcast to use this contact form and tell us a little bit about you. We will get back to you soon so we can arrange for a time that fits both for the recording.

Also if you want us to talk about any specific topic, please use the Propose a Topic section and we will answer your request . If we need an expert on the matter we will find one and invite him to join us for an episode.

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