Since due to the famous coronavirus we cannot leave our house, we have created this initiative to travel the Way of Saint James along the so-called French Way.
- We are going to walk to El Camino Frances starting in Saint Jean on March 16th
- We have created 3 groups of WhatsApp (for now) Spanish, English e Italian
- Every day we will use the hastag #IWALKTOSANTIAGOFROMHOME
- Every day we will add #hastag of the stage
- We need you all to share this with your friends
- We will encourage everyone to share their memories in the stories ,post or IGTV.
- Let’s do something big and show the world the pode of El Camino de Santiago
FOURTH STAGE- Pamplona – Puente la Reina
- Reflection sheet on the fourth stage
FIFTH STAGE- Puente la Reina – Estella
- Reflection sheet on the fifth stage
SIXTH STAGE- Estella – Viana
- Reflection sheet on the sixth stage
SEVENTH STAGE- Viana – Najera
- Reflection sheet on the seventh stage
EIGHTH STAGE- Najera – Grañon
- Reflection sheet on the eighth stage
NINTH STAGE- Grañon – Villafranca de Montes de Oca
- Reflection sheet on the ninth stage
TENTH STAGE- Villafranca Montes de Oca – Burgos
- Reflection sheet on the thenth stage
ELEVENTH STAGE- Burgos – Hontanas
- Reflection sheet on the thenth stage